Sue Hartnett | The Sun Magazine

Sue Hartnett

Returning to these pages is Sue Hartnett.

— From November 1975
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Crossing The Boundary

Book Review

This awareness, a quiet feeling that something was wrong, was with him at the age of 3. At 46, he resolved the conflict and became a woman. James was a traveler and, as a professional correspondent, crossed continents and scaled Everest. Yet it was Jan Morris who completed the most important journey, that to the woman hidden inside the man.

November 1975
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Confessions Of A Junk Addict

CONFESSION: I realize that all may not share this addiction or feel the same high that I experience over a sixty-year-old rocker for $20.00 or a refrigerator for $35.00, but I admit that I’ll go to any length to satisfy this craving.

January 1975
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

On Not Believing

If you look hard enough for a reason to support something you want to believe in, you’ll find it. We select a belief as we do a mate, seeking for that which best reflects ourselves and our needs. Both are fragile and tenuous affairs, but how much more fervently one will hold onto some beliefs, after many loves have come and gone.

July 1974
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